We help you bring inspiring choir singing to more people in your community

The Inspire Club - Pro Membership

The Inspire Club helps aspiring choir leaders, transform into assured, inspiring professionals whose choirs attract new singers and sing with joyful confidence.  

Learn the tools that successful choir leaders are using to start up, grow and develop the personal and vocal confidence of their choir around the style of songs they already know, love and sing. 

Why does it matter? 

We know that singing in a choir is terrific for the positive health and wellbeing of our community - whether that’s in your school, workplace or local community. Undoubtably, people are happier and more content when they sing in harmony together. 

If you love singing then you can start a choir. And you can motivate people to go beyond their own expectations. You can ultimately change lives. What a role to have! 

You can do all of this with the step-by-step guidance and support of The Inspire Club community, resources and trainings.


Who am I and why did I develop this?

My name is Beth Morgan. I had limited job opportunities due to working part time as a secondary classroom music teacher. But I’ve always loved choir and so I decided to start up my own adult community choir. I discovered that I could run my choir part time, around my other jobs and my family life. But I also discovered it can feel lonely and frustrating at times, leaving you wondering if you are doing the right things with your choir.

I don’t have a masters degree in conducting. However, I am passionate about being able to self curate my learning and I do have decades of experience directing choirs.

I’ve also shared ideas with hundreds of choir leaders over the past two years. Better still, I’ve hosted tens of online choir leader training workshops with some of the very the best guest choir experts from around the world.

It’s helped me develop my choirs in ways I never knew possible. My choirs have improved lives. The Inspire Club can help you do this too. 

What is possible? 

What is included in The Inspire Club? 

  • A monthly live hour online training session with world class guest choir experts so that you can increase your MD toolkit to get the best from your choir and help them sing with joyful confidence.  
  • An accessible curated resource library, including all guest videos, so that when you are stuck or need inspiration, you can find the answers straight away. 
  • An active and engaged Inspire Club choir leader community to support you when you are feeling frustrated, stuck or just need fresh ideas. 
  • A buddy programme if you prefer 1-2-1 support and encouragement as you develop your ideas and look for collaborations. 

PLUS The Inspire Song Bank

A growing song bank with over 120+ easy rounds, unison and simple part songs to instantly download and teach to your choir, sparing you from the wormhole of Youtube and giving you back your free time. Receive a new song resource every fortnight ready to sing with your choir using our private member's podcast

So what does it cost? 

The Inspire Club + Song Bank         £27/month | £270/year - that's 2 months extra for FREE on the annual plan.

It is my aim to keep this affordable for you. The annual membership option works out at just £22.50/month. In many cases, this is the SAME, if not cheaper, than the fee just ONE person might pay you to be a member of your choir. If as a result of joining, you gain just ONE new member, then the investment in your own learning and development, will have paid for itself! More than likely though, your investment will bring in more members, so will INCREASE your income! And of course, remember that your Inspire Club membership fee is tax deductable as it is a work expense.

Next steps...

Click on the JOIN US button and select your option: monthly or annual subscription. Once you have joined you will receive an email with your log in details plus a welcome email. This will also give you a link to instantly join our private Inspire Club Facebook community, so that you can instantly dive in a get the help you are looking for.... straight away!


Are you ready to become the inspiration to your choir that you dream about?


11 Areas

Looking for clarity on your next steps...

Find your session recordings here

Find your next quick win song here...

Areas for this resources 11
JOIN £27/mth or £270/annual

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 The Creative Choir Leader Inspire Club Pro Membership - Monthly Subscription
 £27.00 GBP  ( then £27.00 GBP a month )
 The Creative Choir Leader Inspire Club Pro Membership - Annual Subscription (Get 2 months FREE | £22.50/month paid annually))
 £270.00 GBP  ( then £270.00 GBP a year )

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